01. Coronavirus: US simplifies stay for Medical Professionals: The U.S Department of State – Bureau of Consular Affairs, recently issued a Statement on their website and twitter, requesting all medical professionals across the globe seeking to work in the United States of America majorly on fighting the COVID-19 scourge on a work or exchange visitor visa (H or J) to cross check with the nearest US Embassy or Consulate for a Visa appointment. Read more https://bit.ly/2UBGgX1

02. Mountain Gorillas could contract COVID-19: With the whole globe at surge of the deadly Coronavirus disease, several conservatives have hinted and warned on fears about the disease crossing to humanity’s ‘next of kin’ the mountain gorillas. Regardless of the fact that these apes are highly endangered, once the virus crosses over to them, it could whip out their entire population because they are highly sensitive to human diseases. Read more https://bit.ly/2X1AK1r
03. Uganda’s Tourism Industry cries out to the government for backup: The CEO Uganda Tourism Board miss Lilly Ajarova commented that engagements with the ministry of finance for an urgent stimulus package for tourism are still on. Read more https://bit.ly/39DVOOh
04. COVID-19 Continues to hit hard on Uganda’s Hotel & Tourism Sector: As the global pandemic continues to take a great toll on the universe population, economies have not been omitted on the affected list. In Uganda, the COVID-19 has affected not only the public sector but also the private sector. With limited movement of the population due to the suspension of major transport means countrywide, Hotels and Tourism are facing tough times day in day out. Read more https://bit.ly/3dKBONn
05. Emirates Airline to get State Equity injection as Covid-19 batters World’s Airlines: Dubai’s government will inject equity into the company because of its importance to the economy and the airline’s role in positioning the emirate as a major international aviation hub, according to state media agency WAM. Read more https://bit.ly/3aIEWra
06. Qatar Airways suspends operations to New York JFK, Madrid and Barcelona: Qatar Airways continues to take firm steps in response to COVID-19 (coronavirus). The airline’s robust measures include amending its flight schedule, working with governments to take people home, and introducing new policies to ensure the health and safety of staff, and maintaining its vital cargo operations. Read more https://bit.ly/3bJxL1L
07. Why Middle East Airlines could recover quicker than those in the West: With much of the Middle East’s airline fleet grounded amid government lockdowns, the skies above the region are empty, but for a smattering of cargo planes and chartered repatriation flights.
Covid-19 has already cost airlines in the region $7 billion in revenues, according to the International Air Transport Association (IATA), which estimates that carriers in the Middle East will lose out on $19 billion this year. Read more https://bit.ly/2UXlpfI
08. Kenya Airways seeks Multi-Billion shilling Government bailout: Kenya Airways has requested a multi-billion shilling bailout from its government amid the growing impact of the Coronavirus. The airline was forced to halt international flights as per a governmental order on March 22nd and now much of its fleet remains grounded. Read more https://bit.ly/2xEEdZg
09. British Airways to avoid Job cuts but may suspend 36,000 Staff: The International Airlines Group (IAG)-owned Company already parked 140 out of its 277 aircraft as it is looking to further reduce costs and it is expected that British Airways would announce the suspension of 36,000 staff. Read more https://bit.ly/2X2F1lb
10. Airbus sites swap Plane production for Hospital Equipment: Airbus’ facilities in Spain have temporarily suspended plane production but are now working to produce 3D printed visor frames, providing healthcare personnel with individual protection equipment in the fight against Covid-19. Read more https://bit.ly/2X1VOVD

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Guide2Uganda (www.guide2uganda.ug) is the most comprehensive source of information about Uganda that exists on the web, with more content on Uganda and surrounding towns, attractions, museums and galleries than any other online guide that currently exists for Uganda as well as being a dynamic news and comprehensive events driven site with content being added daily.
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