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Pitch Studio Online session happening this weekend

A pitch studio is a concept that was created and it’s very successful for organisers and pitchers, it is basically a simple way for entrepreneurs to pitch their ideas to without any pressure. The reason why is because all great ideas should be pursued, and money should not be a problem.


Organisers will evaluate the idea and yourself based on three simple things: feasibility and potential for the idea and your eagerness to start your project and become an entrepreneur. Once done organisers will propose on either Full Assistance plan, Startup Assistance plan or Partial Assistance plan to help support pitchers achieve their Entrepreneurial dream.

For the idea, feasibility means that your project can be enabled by technology or optimized by technology, potential means that your project must be scalable and become big. When it comes to you, organisers want to help people who really want to start an entrepreneurial project.

The Event is online based starting this Friday 6pm.

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